Satic’s Power Perfect Dirty Electricity Filters
Whole-House Filters
Plug-in Filters

Whether you want a dirty electricity filter to
— protect your health from utility company smart meters
— lower
your electric bill and prolong the life of your appliances, or
— protect your privacy,
the Power Perfect EMF
filters are the filters for you.


SaticShield Gen III Super Duty Whole-House Dirty Electricity Filter and Satic Gen II Power Perfect Box Wire-in and Pure Power Plugin SaticShield 974

Satic’s Power Perfect filters have allowed electrosensitive people like me to recover their health! I could not even be in my own home with the electricity on after the electric company installed a smart meter. With the Power Perfect filtering the dirty electricity, I feel better in my home with a filter and a smart meter than I did with an analog meter and no filter!

Read the Reviews page for just some of the stories of how people have recovered their health after installing the Power Perfect. See my own story just a little farther down on this page.

Satic’s Power Perfect filters:

  • Give you better health.
  • Filter out a wider spectrum of dirty electricity than any other filter on the market: from 4 kHz to 100,000 kHz.
  • Reduce your dirty electricity levels by (usually) 90%!

Visit my Shop page for detailed information on the various types of filters. I provide even more information via email and am happy to answer questions and provide consultation over the phone. Click here for my contact info.


25%-off SALE
while supplies last!

All Gen II whole-house filters are on sale for 25% off.

The new filters are available! Generation III of Power Perfect.
Best price by contacting me directly.

Satic Authorized Dealer Logo for Power Perfect Dirty Electricity Filters

All items ship same day or within one business day via Priority Mail.
10-year warranty on all whole-house filters, 30-day returns.


My Own Story of the Power Perfect Filter

It is my goal to help as many people as possible recover their health. I started out not as a seller of products, but as the Director of the Smart Meter Education Network, a group I founded in 2012 to fight smart meters. Over the years, I have talked to thousands of people, and until I found—and tested—the Power Perfect filter, I knew of no solution that would actually work to protect people from dirty electricity without causing other, negative, effects.

The plug-in Stetzer and Greenwave filters affected me very badly because they generate a harmful magnetic field. I’d experienced them in 2012, and figured I was doomed if a smart meter were ever put on my home. In 2017, the utility company forced installation. Within three to five seconds of entering my home, my neck began to clamp up, then progressively my shoulders and torso. My body began to rattle like metal. I ran downstairs and turned off the main circuit breaker; the sensations and clamping ceased.

With the Power Perfect whole-house filter installed at my breaker box, I experience none of the effects I have experienced in homes with smart meters: no heart palpitations, tinnitus (ringing in ears), headaches, transient memory loss, or other issues. In fact, a month-and-a-half after the Power Perfect was installed, I walked into my living room and suddenly a thought went through my mind: “I feel better in my home than I did with an analog meter. It’s . . . clearer in here now.” My body had had time to recover, to not be subjected 24/7 to the dirty electricity that was coming into my home from my neighbors’ smart meters and devices.

Many other people, even those who are not electrosensitive (EHS), have experienced a similar, calmer feeling in their home. And those with severe health problems caused by dirty electricity have experienced better health, a diminution in symptoms, and often miraculous changes in their health.

With the SaticShield Power Perfect filters and Pure Power plug-ins, you will:

  • Filter dirty electricity coming in from the grid and your neighbors.
  • Filter the dirty electricity created by every kind of electric meter: smart, digital (“opt-out”), PLC (power line communication), AMR, ERT, and TWACs, not to mention the dirty electricity that comes into your home even if you are lucky enough to still have an analog meter.
  • Filter the dirty electricity created by solar panels (inverters), heat pumps, pool pumps, well pumps, grow lights, and electric car chargers, whether on your own home or your neighbor’s.
  • Cause your appliances to run better and last longer.
  • Sometimes save you significantly on your electric bill. See Reviews for some of those stories.
  • Surge protection.
  • EMP protection (electromagnetic pulse protection) if you buy the Gen III filters.
  • Privacy protection. By masking your electrical usage, your utility company can’t spy on you.
  • They are the solution, the remedy for dirty electricity!

I invite you to read through the information I provide here on the filters, including many reviews from those who have used the Satic Standard Power Perfect Box and the Super Duty Power Perfect as well as Satic’s Pure Power Plug-in Filters. 

I urge you to call me before you order any of the products on this website. We can discuss your particular situation and what filter and products will work best for you. I provide a free half-hour consultation not only on the the filter, but other EMF issues in your home.

In addition to dirty electricity filters (the Power Perfect filters are properly called harmonic rectifiers), you can order from me meters to measure dirty electricity, LED lights that do not create high amounts of dirty electricity, and the Satic Shield Pure Power Plug-in Filters that, unlike the Stetzer and Greenwave filters, do not generate a magnetic field. I also rent a dirty electricity (line EMI) meter for just $21 for a week. Contact me to rent or for details.

I provide discount pricing. Due to company policy, some discounts cannot be shown online. Please call me at 520-398-2985 (or leave message at 734-972-2677) to discuss your situation and get an even greater discount on most products. You may also email me at or

Payment plans are also offered.

All items sold have a 30-day return period and a full manufacturer’s warranty.

Note: The Smart Meter Education Network is the activist group I run, and it simplifies my life to have emails about EMF protection come there as well rather than having a separate email for the EMF protection products. If you wish, you can email me at The reply will come from