Dirty Electricity—What Is It?

What Is Dirty Electricity?

Dirty Electricity, from Harris Geospatial

Dirty electricity is the spiky, erratically pulsing electromagnetic field caused by smart meters, solar inverters, and many modern devices and lights. Dirty electricity “rides” on the smooth 60 Hz electrical current. It sends spikes of electromagnetic radiation into your home and your body tens of thousands of times every second, causing numerous health problems and shortening the life of appliances and digital equipment.

Some people experience health effects immediately when exposed to dirty electricity like that found in a home with a smart or digital meter; for others, the harm takes months or years to manifest. The Smart Meter Education Network website gives you detailed information about dirty electricity and its harmful effects.

This is a picture of a smooth electrical wave.

Clean Electrical Wave

Ideally, your electrical current should look like this, without all the spiky material you see in the previous images.  The Power Perfect filter will usually eliminate 90% of the dirty electricity coming through the power line and into your home.


Where Does Dirty Electricity Come From?

Dirty electricity is generated by smart meters, most digital meters, and analog meters that communicate with the electric company over the power line (PLC and TWACs). It can also be generated by things within the home, such as LEDs, some electronic devices, some appliances, and so on. You don’t know what you have until you measure.

Solar inverters, heat pumps, pool pumps, and furnaces with variable speed motors all generate dirty electricity.

Even with an analog meter, you usually have a lot of dirty electricity coming into your house. This is due to all the dirty electricity put on the line by neighboring meters, the devices neighbors use, nearby solar installations, etc.

In my own home, my dirty electricity levels were high, even though I still had an analog meter. This was due to the smart meters installed on my neighbors’ homes. I actually feel better in my home with a smart meter and a filter than I did with an analog meter and no filter!

Dirty electricity must be treated differently than the radiofrequency (wireless) radiation emitted by smart meters. Putting a cage around your smart meter will not protect you from dirty electricity, only from radiofrequency radiation.

The Power Perfect filter protects you, your wiring, and your appliances from the harmful effects of dirty electricity.

To measure dirty electricity, you can use one of the meters discussed on Meters to Measure Dirty Electricity, or rent one from me.


The Health Effects of Dirty Electricity

Dirty electricity is a pulsed EMF. Pulsed EMFs are particularly harmful to the body. People experience the same health effects from dirty electricity as they do from wireless radiation, including:

  • Tinnitus
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Vertigo
  • Irritability
  • Tingling
  • Blood sugar and blood pressure spikes
  • Rashes
  • Swollen legs
  • Racing heart (tachycardia)
  •  Flu-like malaise not related to any illness

and many more. See the Reviews page for many personal accounts of the effects of dirty electricity.

Here are a few changes people noticed:

“My blood pressure normalized a half hour after the filter was hooked up. The next day, the terrible pain I’d had in my left arm and left leg was gone and my digestion was better. A few days later, my head was back to normal. Before, I couldn’t even use a calculator or write out bills. Now I can.”

” I had headaches and burning eyes, face, and legs. Since I bought the Power Perfect Box, my life got better. I was able to sleep in my own bed. Burning sensations stopped. Headaches stopped and loud buzzing in my ears got much better.”

“After we installed the filter, I had immediate relief within the first 24 hours, with no stabbing pains and heart quieting down. After this, I noticed I could actually sleep before midnight, with no problem getting to sleep.”