As a rule, the biggest EMF problem from your own smart meter in your own home, is the dirty electricity, but as we all know, smart meters are notorious for the dangerous radiofrequency (RF) radiation they emit. This radiation pulses 24/7, from 9600 to 190,000 times per day. Just like with dirty electricity, emissions are constantly fluctuating in strength and intensity. AMR meters and ERT meters also emit, usually 24/7, though the utility will tell you they do not.
Remember, dirty electricity runs through your wiring. Radiofrequency radiation is emitted out from the meter into the air (like a cell phone signal).
If you are interested in purchasing a Faraday cage, I recommend the one sold by SmartMeterGuard. This company is the original creator of Faraday cages for smart meters, and they also make cages for gas meters, routers, and other items that transmit radiofrequency. I tested a “smart meter cover” made by another company (they hoped I would sell it), and it did not block any radiofrequency radiation. Please scroll to the end of this page to see how you can purchase these more cheaply directly from me (or, for a bit less off the total, you can use the coupon code LindaK when you visit the Smart Meter Guard website).
Your most effective shielding will be to use the Smart Meter Guard and two layers of aluminum window screen. You could even try using three or four layers of aluminum window screen plus the Smart Meter Guard. If the utility contacts you to tell you they are not getting their reading, you can remove one layer of screen.

Here’s how I learned what works best:
Metal mesh or screen breaks up RF. This is why it is what you want to use. Initially, I made my own Faraday cage using two layers of aluminum window screen, secured to the meter base with a 6” hose clamp purchased at my local hardware store. While it reduced the frequency of the peak pulses to once every 15 seconds down to once every 45, and I did not feel the effects of the smart meter as badly as I did with no screening, I could still feel it and would feel strange and sort of dizzy when outside near the meter. As my house is aluminum-sided, and I was not near the meter once, I left it with just the aluminum window screening.

In 2017, before my utility slapped a smart meter on my house, I and several others who were part of the Smart Meter Education Network, were doing testing of smart meters and supposedly radio-off (non-transmitting) smart meters. Our utility, DTE in Michigan, charged customers to opt out of the smart meter. With the opt-out, the radiofrequency signals emitting from the meter were supposedly turned off. Well, we’d already had a few people report that their supposedly radio-off meters were still transmitting.
We went out armed with the Gigahertz Solutions HF38B, a meter that is very sensitive, directional, and recommended by building biologists as the meter to use if you want to specifically measure the emissions from smart meters. (You can purchase this meter from Safe Living Technologies at a 5% discount using the coupon code “LindaK.”) The directional capability of this meter is very important when measuring smart meters, so that you know that the signals you are picking up actually come from the smart meter. The HF38B has 10 times the measurement sensitivity of the Gigahertz Solutions HF35C (which can also be purchased from Safe Living) and, very importantly, measures peak pulses.

As I wanted to check the efficacy of the smart meter cover sent to me by the company which was then known as EMF Essentials, I brought it along, as well several solid metal pots. I’ve lost the video we made, but I’ll make another soon and post here when I do. This testing was done prior to my even knowing about the Smart Meter Guard.
Here is what we learned:
- A ¼” thick aluminum pot placed over the smart meter did not reduce the RF at all. At the time, I didn’t know why this happened, but I have since learned more. Simply put, solid metal has completely different properties then metal mesh, and when hit by RF radiation from a very close source, the RF will, as EMF activist Warren Woodward put it, “punch right through.”
- The same was true of a stainless steel and copper pot.
- The Smart Meter Cover did not reduce the RF coming from the meter at all. At the time, I did not have a Smart Meter Guard, so could not test it.
- A single layer of aluminum window screen lowered the amount of RF coming through, though not a lot.
I suspect there are two reasons for the efficacy of the Smart Meter Guard. The mesh openings on the Smart Meter Guard are a different size than those of the Smart Meter Cover. It also does not have any openings that will allow RF to escape, unlike the Smart Meter Cover, which for some strange reason has a rather large gap at the base. The quality of construction is much better: the mesh is tight, not dimpled and rumpled and indented. I have heard anecdotally the Smart Meter Cover has worked for some, but I’ve heard others say they’ve had no RF reduction. I have not heard any complaints about the Smart Meter Guard.
To sum up: What I have found most effective is the Smart Meter Guard with the addition of at least 2 layers of aluminum window screen. I don’t know anyone else who has added this extra layer of protection, but it’s working for me! Some people have achieved satisfactory results with just multiple layers of aluminum window screen. What you do it up to you.
Note: Metal works very well to block more distant sources of RF. If you have a home that is aluminum-sided, the RF levels inside your home will be significantly lower than a home in the same neighborhood that does not have this protection.
To Purchase Smart Meter Guards at a Discount
(and any other products on the Smart Meter Guard website)
Here is how you can purchase at a discount, you can do any of the following:
1. For the biggest discount, visit Smart Meter Guard, figure out what you would like to get, then call or email me with what you’d like to order.
2. Order directly from Smart Meter Guard and put the coupon code LindaK in the box that says Affiliate when you check out. You will get 5% off anything you order.
Other RF-Mitigating Products from Smart Meter Guard Include
- Smart Gas Meter Guards
- Smart Water Meter Guards
- Smartphone Guards
- Router/Modem Guards for WiFi
- Amazon Alexa and other Home Assistant Devices Guards